Mission Statement
Melodies As Medicine
Melodies as Medicine, Inc., was born to link the healing power of music with seniors, worldwide, who may not have the ability or access to attend music performances in person and collaborate with many global organizations promoting this mission. Scientific studies demonstrate the health benefits of listening to and playing musical instruments on brain health and the central nervous system. Exposing seniors to musical journeys to their past, helps them reconnect with themselves, as well as explore the unlocked doors to the special memories in their life.
As one of the first completely student-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations focused on bringing music to seniors and sharing the benefits of music therapy, we are a compassionate group of teens who are determined to utilize our passion for music and science as a bridge to reaching seniors and vulnerable populations worldwide.
Our mission is to provide a platform for young people to channel their creative energy towards improving the lives of seniors and vulnerable populations. We facilitate opportunities for our members to engage directly with the communities they strive to assist and to develop creative fundraising opportunities and awareness/education campaigns through social media.
Music Therapy
is not just an art. It’s a science.
The theoretical physicist, Max Planck, recognized a kinship between science and the arts, saying, “The pioneer scientist must have a vivid intuitive imagination, for new ideas are not generated by deduction, but by artistically creative imagination.”
Tremendous scientific research indicates that both playing and listening to music positively impacts our brain health and the central nervous system.
Music therapy research is looking into the powerful hand that live and recorded music has in fighting against neurodegenerative diseases by activating certain parts of the brain that respond to music, especially the auditory cortices, and can slow down cell death in the substantial nigra that causes Parkinson's disease.
Ready to take the next step?
Consider supporting Melodies as Medicine by making a monetary donation to further power music therapy research, provide nursing home residents with socks and music CDs, and more.